
Showing posts with the label Apple

Huawei is threatened with not being able to manufacture its processors due to Trump's sanctions

The Chinese company Huawei is receiving more US painful strikes in the framework of the sanctions announced by US President Donald Trump, like the rest of the Chinese technology companies operating on US soil, but the impact of these sanctions will be significant on Huawei, according to the new news. Huawei's director, Richard Yu, indicated that his company may not be able after September 15th to manufacture its own Kirin processors that work on its smartphones, on the sidelines of his participation in the China Info 100 symposium, and Yu says that By this date, some of the Chinese company's production chains will be closed and the use of American technology in their devices, especially processors, will be compelled to them. Thus, according to Richard Yu, Huawei will not use processors that incorporate any American technology, even if it is by obtaining it from a third party, which is what the US sanctions stipulate, which means the difficulty of this issue, and wha...

Apple's sales may be affected by this Trump decision

During this year, Apple went through very difficult circumstances, represented by the Coronavirus pandemic, which in turn caused a significant decrease in the company's sales and the pace of its production, but it seems that the new American decision issued by US President Donald Trump may in turn deepen the problems of Apple. And US President Donald Trump issued an executive order last Thursday granting a 45-day deadline before issuing sanctions on all American companies dealing with ByteDance, the developer of the TikTok application, but also for the Chinese chat and instant messaging application WeChat, which means that Apple She will have to remove the most popular application in China from her App Store, which may mean a decrease in sales of the company in China, which is the largest market for Apple in the world. According to the executive decision of President Donald Trump, the US Department of Commerce will track the activities of transactions between US compani...

The new iPad pro has great features

Apelle company has the most advantages in the world of portable technology and in particular computer technology, it is undisputedly a strong competing company by always putting a fingerprint that makes its customer impressed, whether by the quality of manufacturing or by the attractiveness of design, and here Apple has launched the iPad Pro for the year 2020, which is Among its strongest and most waiting products among customers, in this post we will highlight the most powerful features that the iPad Pro 2020 brought, which are features that keep pace with the current development.                                            IPad Pro 2020's most powerful feature Powerful processor means stronger performance The iPad Pro came with the A12Z Bionic processor, which is considered one of the most powerful processors in the current generation and with a simple compar...

You can transfer files between your Android phone and your Mac computer

You own a Mac and an Android phone and want to transfer data between the two, but unfortunately you find it difficult to mismatch between the two systems and this coincides with many people, but in this post we will present you with an effective suggestion that will enrich you a lot on this issue. Perhaps you will tell me that you can download the Ftp server application for Android devices and transfer whatever files you want, yes my friend in this case I will be in agreement with you, but what if you want to configure and arrange what your phone includes in folders and more that the arrangement process will be directly at the level The storage space of the phone, here you will find a big problem and more difficulty in adapting and adjusting files and folders, and here your whole thinking will be towards the idea of ​​linking your Android phone with your Mac computer with a cable to share data between the two, in which case your best option will remain an experiment MacDroid. ...

Apple closes all stores around the world because of Corona

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, has announced that the company has decided to temporarily close all stores outside of China, as a precaution in the face of a new Corona virus outbreak (COFED 19), according to Sky News. "In our workplaces and communities, we must do our best to prevent the spread of Covid 19," Cook wrote through his official account on the "Tottier" website. He added: "Apple will temporarily shut down all stores outside China until March 27, and will allocate $ 15 million to help recovery around the world." "We are moving in all our offices to flexible working arrangements around the world outside of China. This means that team members must work remotely if the nature of their work permits," said Cook.

Corona virus threatens Apple's expected returns

Apple has warned that it could not meet expected returns due to the confusion caused by the Corona virus in China. The technology giant said production and sales were affected by the virus, noting that there are temporary restrictions on the supply of iPhones worldwide. Apple is the first major US company to say the virus will affect its finances. The company, which was expecting record revenues of $ 67 billion in the current quarter, did not disclose the value of the expected decline. "We do not expect to meet expected revenue for the quarter ending in March," said a statement from Apple. With most stores in China closed and some doors open for only a few hours, Apple product sales will be low, she said. "Although our iPhone manufacturing sites are outside Hubei province - and despite all these facilities being reopened - they are operating slower than we expected," she added. "All of our stores in China and many of our partner stores are close...

Apple confirms the great impact of the Corona virus on its activities

After many press reports, citing informed sources in the past period, which clearly talked about the effects of the spread of the Corona virus in China on Apple's activities, especially with regard to the manufacture of the latest versions of iPhone phones, the company this time is the one who confirmed all this news. And Apple said that it does not maintain its forecasts for its business figure for the first quarter of the current year 2020 due to the spread of the Corona virus epidemic in China, which is the country where Apple's handling factories are located where the company's devices are manufactured, mainly phones Iphone. And Apple said that although its industrial activities in China are outside the Hubei region where the spread of the Corona virus has been recorded, and that these factories are still operating and have not been closed, the pace of work is still not high and less than expected, in addition to the decline The large demand in consumer ...

Corona virus disrupts the production of iPhone 12

It is clear that the new Corona virus and its rapid spread in China will affect not only the health aspect, but also the economic, commercial and industrial side, and it seems that Apple is one of the largest affected by this epidemic at the industrial level, especially its new and expected phone. IPhone 12. And days ago there were reports that the new iPhone 12 industry series may be greatly affected by the epidemic of Corona virus, which is spreading mainly in China, where the American company's handling factories, and again, a report on the specialized site Digitimes confirms this, where he indicated The report states that due to the epidemic, a number of production chains have been permanently suspended until new instructions are received from the Chinese authorities. This matter will inevitably affect the production of large quantities of iPhone 12 phones that are expected to be officially unveiled in September of this year, which means that the quantities produ...

Apple .. a major feature under development that links the iPhone to your car

Apple has released the first beta version for developers of its iOS 13.4 operating system, but there is one change behind the scenes hidden in the code indicating that at least one new major feature is under development that makes it possible to use the iPhone as a car key. And in the beta version of the aforementioned operating system, there are references to an API called CarKey, which can be used with cars compatible with the NFC feature, which allows the use of an iPhone and Apple smart watch to open, lock and start the car. The CarKey API itself is supposed to be used to authenticate with the onboard car computer, and according to the system's internal files, users only need to keep the device near the car for use as a key in a manner similar to some radio-based keyless entry systems. Face ID authentication will not be necessary, as is the case with Express Transit cards, and this means that the feature will work even when the iPhone or Apple Watch battery runs...

France imposes a fine on Apple worth 27 million dollars

The consumer protection authorities in France imposed a financial penalty on Apple of 27 million dollars, as a result of the slowdown of old versions of iPhone phones after the software update. The investigations of the Consumer Protection Commission in France continued for two whole years, with the investigations finally fining Apple for the slow performance of old versions of iPhone phones after the software update, without any notice from Apple before starting to pay updates. The investigations of the Consumer Protection Committee began in France in January of 2018, after Apple's statements that it confirmed that the new updates of iOS software led to a slowdown in the performance of old versions of iPhone phones, in order to meet some of the problems that were detected in the old lithium-ion batteries. The slowdown in the performance of older versions of the iPhone phones was monitored after the software update, which includes both iPhone 6, iPhone 7 and iPhone SE...

Amazon Prime Day 2019: Where to find the best deals on smartwatches and fitness trackers

The Amazfit Bip on sale. Sarah Tew/CNET Amazon Prime Day  approaches: it's arriving  July 15-16 . Like always, Amazon's massive sale will offer  a lot of deals ... but it'll mean other retailers matching or beating deals, too.  But what if you can't wait until Prime Day starts? Indeed, there are plenty of deals already available, maybe as part of a  July 4 promotion , or maybe for an early back-to-school sale. So, as we wait for Prime Day proper, we're already pulling together the best deals we've seen on top trackers and watches we already love. Now, to be clear: We won't know the Prime Day deals until they actually arrive, and they may well beat some or all of the prices listed here. And we expect a  new Apple Watch  to arrive as soon as September. But here are the best deals in the meantime. Note that CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page.

أمريكا تستثني المنتجات المصنعة في الصين من المشاركة في بناء شبكة 5G

في الوقت الذي بدأت فيه عدد من الدول في اعتماد تقنية 5G فيما دول أخرى أصبحت على مقربة من إنهاء عملية اعتماد الشبكات الخاصة بهذا النوع من الاتصالات، فإن الحرب التجارية بين الصين و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية تفرض على هذه الأخيرة إجراءات إضافية. فحسب صحيفة الوول ستريت جورنال الأمريكية فإن السلطات الأمريكية طالبت شركات التقنية العالمية و الأمريكية المتدخلة في اعتماد البنية التحتية لشبكة الاتصالات من الجيل الخامس 5G بضرورة عدم استخدام التجهيزات المصنعة داخل الصين، خصوصا فيما يتعلق بالرواتر و الأنتينات و الإلكترونيات. و تدخل هذه السياسة الجديدة في إطار الحرب التجارية المفتوحة بين الصين و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و التي كانت أهم حلقاتها الحظر الممارس من طرف السلطات الأمريكية على شركة هواوي الصينية.

آبل تدرس نقل 30% من إنتاجها لخارج الصين

أفادت التقارير أن شركة آبل تدرس نقل ما بين 15٪ و 30٪ من إجمالي إنتاجها لخارج الصين إلى دول جنوب شرق آسيا، حيث تستعد لإعادة هيكلة إمداداتها الرئيسية وطلبت من مورديها الرئيسيين تقدير التكاليف. جاء هذا التحرك بسبب التوترات التجارية بين الولايات المتحدة والصين، لكن مصادر متعددة تقول إنه حتى إذا تم حل الخلاف فلن يكون هناك عودة إلى الوراء. قررت آبل أن مخاطر الاعتماد بشكل كبير على التصنيع في الصين، كما فعلت منذ عقود، كبيرة جداً بل ومرتفعة. الصين قالت أنها ستفرض تعرفة جمركية بنسبة 25% على السلع الأمريكية، رداً على خطة الرئيس دونالد ترامب لزيادة الرسوم الجمركية على المنتجات المستوردة من الصين، وتوقع المحللون أن ترتفع تكلفة أجهزة آيفون بنسبة تصل إلى 14% نتيجة لذلك، على الرغم من أن تيم كوك الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة قال أنه “لا يتوقع حدوث ذلك”. الدول التي يتم النظر فيها لنقل الإنتاج إليها تشمل دول جنوب شرق آسيا بما في ذلك فيتنام، إندونيسيا، ماليزيا بالإضافة إلى الهند و المكسيك، مع اعتبار أن الهند وفيتنام من المفضلين لنقل أعمالها الهواتف الذكية إليهم، كما أشار التقرير. الشركة طلبت من موردي...

Apple is considering moving the hardware industry from China

تتواصل الحرب التجارية بين كل من أمريكا و الصين، و كانت الإدارة الأمريكية قد فرضت عقوبات قاسية على شركة التكنولوجيا الصينية هواوي، ما تسبب لها في خسائر كارثية، و يبدو أن آبل إحدى أهم الشركات الأمريكية المعتمدة على الصين تتوقع انتقاما صينيا، و هو ما جعلها تفمكر في ترحيل أنشطتها من البلد. و كانت الصحيفة الاقتصادية اليابانية الشهيرة "Nikkei" قد أشارت إلى أن شركة آبل تبحث فعليا عن ترحيل عدد من أنشطتها الصناعية من الصين إلى دول أخرى في آسيا ك فيتنام و أندونيسيا و ماليزيا و الهند المجاورة، حيث تعتمد آبل على شركات المناولة في الصين لصناعة أجهزتها المختلفة على غرار الآيفون و الآيباد و الماك و غيرها. و حسب Nikkei فإن آبل سألت مورديعها في الصين عن تكلفة ترحيل ما بين 15 و 30 في المئة من مجمل أنشطتها الصناعية إلى البلدان الآسيوية المذكورة، حيث تتعامل آبل مع عشرات شركات المناولة التي تمتلك مصانع في الصين و على رأسها Foxconn و Pegatron  و Quanta Computer و غيرهم. و في حالة ترحيل آبل لجزء من أنشطتها في الصين فذلك يعني فعليا أن الآف العمال الصينيين قد يجدون أنفسهم في...

آبل تسيطر على الحصة الأكبر بسوق السماعات اللاسلكية

نشرت مؤسسة Counterpoint للأبحاث تقرير جديد يسلط الضوء على التغييرات في سوق السماعات اللاسلكية، وهناك مزيج من الأخبار الجيدة والأخبار السيئة بالنسبة لشركة آبل، بحيث الأخبار الجيدة هي أن AirPods تواصل السيطرة على السوق، والأخبار السيئة، هو أن الجيل الثاني من السماعة لم يعزز هذا التفوّق. شركة آبل تسيطر على أكثر من نصف إجمالي الحصة السوقية، بحيث سماعتها AirPods في المركز الأول بفارق كبير عن أقرب المنافسين، في حين أن الحصة السوقية بقيت على نفس المستوى منذ الربع الأخبر، وفشلت في النمو على الرغم من إطلاق الجيل الثاني من السماعة. مبيعات الجيل الأول من السماعة كانت أعلى من المتوقع، لكن مبيعات الجيل الثاني كانت أضعف من المتوقع، والسبب قد يكون عدم جلب السماعة للكثير من التحسينات والمميزات وإنتظار العملاء للجيل الثالث، الذي من المتوقع أن يتميّز بتصميم جديد كلياً. تفوقت سامسونق على Jabra للمرة الأولى بفضل أحدث طراز من جالكسي بودز وتوسعت حصتها السوقية بشكل كبير للوصول إلى المركز الثاني للمرة الأولى، ومن المتوقع أن تحافظ على هذا الزخم لفترة من الوقت بفضل إستجابة السوق الإيجابية.

رسميا: دونالد ترامب يحظر شركة هواوي!

يبدو أن الأمور وصلت إلى نقطة اللاعودة في علاقة الإدارة الأمريكية بالشركة الصينية هواوي و ذلك في إطار الحرب التجارية الدائرة بين البلدين، حيث اتخذ الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب خطوة جديدة في هذا السياق. و قد قام الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب بالتوقيع على قرار جديد يمنع بموجبه الشركات الأمريكية المشتغلة في مجال التكنولوجيا و الاتصالات من الاعتماد على معدات الاتصال المصنعة من طرف شركات أجنبية قد تشكل خطرا على الأمن القومي الأمريكي و على رأسها شركة هواوي الصينية حسب السلطات الأمريكية. و تتهم السلطات الأمريكية شركة هواوي و غيرها من الشركات الصينية بالتجسس التكنولوجي و الصناعي مما يؤثر سلبا على الأمن القومي الأمريكي، ويعد القرار الجديد حظرا صريحا لشركة هواوي الموضوعة أصلا على لائحة العقوبات الأمريكية أو اللائحة السوداء، خصوصا مع بدأ تشغيل شبكة 5G في أمريكا و العالم.