
Showing posts with the label China

China closes its borders with abroad and records 55 new cases of corona

China announced today, 55 cases of new epidemic of corona epidemic, including 54 cases coming from abroad, and one local registered east of the country for the first time in 3 days. China is preparing to close its borders temporarily and reduce the number of its international flights significantly, and recorded 5 deaths in the province of Hubei, where the virus first appeared in December, and was placed under quarantine since last January, and began gradually easing restrictions in this province since Wednesday. China is currently striving to avoid a new outbreak of the Covid 19 epidemic on its territory from abroad, and the country has counted 595 cases from abroad, the vast majority of which 90% are Chinese returning to their country, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

China allocates 16 billion dollars for anti-corona virus efforts

Chinese Vice Minister of Finance Xu Hongcai said in a press briefing that his country has allocated 110.48 billion yuan (15.93 billion dollars) to finance efforts related to the Corona virus as of March 4. He added that China will ensure the smooth operation of local governments in light of the outbreak of the virus, and that the Ministry of Finance will secure the financial needs of Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak. China saw a rise in the number of new cases today, Thursday, especially in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, where the virus is believed to first appear in a market late last year.

America is making new and serious accusations against Huawei

The trade war with strategic dimensions between the United States of America under the administration of President Donald Trump and China continues its rapid development, and Huawei is at the heart of this trade war, and after the accusations, bans, and sanctions that Huawei was subjected to in the last period, the American authorities have made accusations New to the company. According to the American Wall Street Journal, quoting sources in the American government, Huawei is spying on all countries based on its network of contacts located in a number of countries in the world, and the newspaper reported, citing its sources, that Huawei has Backdoor software that allows it to spy on the countries in it And, the information that the sources say was secret until 2019 when the United States of America shared it with Britain and Germany. And the American information says that Backdoor, which Huawei installed in the operators of communication networks for communications networ...

Corona virus, is it dangerous to cause us to actually live the events of the Resident Eiffel? Here is the full story.

The spread of uncontrolled epidemics is always the subject of many other cinematic and entertainment works such as video games and the most embodied game of these invasions of those subtle creatures that can eradicate humanity is the Resident Evil series Resident Evil or Biohazard as you know in East Asia and today the Corona virus outbreak makes us feel We will have the same experience. But how does this relate to reality, and can the story of these games become reality? The answer may be yes and no because recreational materials try to make every work full of situations and excitement that cannot be turned into reality, but here we want to talk about how these actions relate to realism and the risk of spreading any viral or bacterial disease and in the world especially the crowded areas that are the reason The first is to spread any microbe and turn it into an epidemic. Another factor is the lack of a vaccine against it, which will actually make it turn into a story of ...

Chinese companies unite to create a rival online store for Google Store

It seems that the smart phone industry and application development are coming to new developments dictated by the trade war between the United States of America and China and culminated in the imposition of a ban and sanctions on Chinese technology companies, led by Huawei, which prompted Chinese companies to take a new step. According to the available information, four of the most important Chinese and international companies at the level of smartphones and mobile devices, Huawei, OPPO, Xiaomi and Vivo, decided to create an electronic platform that is a competing online store for the famous Google platform Google Play Store, through which Google monopolizes the applications market on Its android system, According to Reuters, the new alliance between the four Chinese companies is named Global Developer Service Alliance, and it will be suggested to developers to release copies of their various applications on this new store, and Reuters says that the new platform will be ava...

A study reveals a new method of transmission of infection with corona

Researchers confirmed that diarrhea may be a pathway for transmission of the emerging coronavirus, after the publication of a study indicating that people with the disease suffer from digestive disorders. The infection is transmitted mainly through the air through the spray of an infected person's cough, but researchers said after studying the first cases, they initially focused on respiratory symptoms, and they may have neglected those associated with the digestive system. According to an article by Chinese researchers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association "American Medical Association", 14 of the 138 patients, whose case was studied in Bohan Hospital, had diarrhea and nausea one or two days before the appearance of fever and respiratory disorders. The first American who was diagnosed with the disease also suffered from diarrhea for two days and later discovered the virus in his stool, according to "AFP." The medical journal...

How much did China collect donations to tackle the new Corona virus

Official media in China announced that a donation campaign raised a "astronomical" sum to confront the new Corona virus, in a phenomenon that reflects broad social solidarity within the country, according to the "Sky News Arabia" website. The Chinese newspaper, People's Daily, quoting from the China Charity Association, said the total donations amounted to 10.1 billion yuan, or nearly a billion and a half dollars, until the early hours of Friday morning local time. China needs this money to build hospitals, complete quarantine procedures and conduct research to prepare for an HIV vaccine. In the latest census of corona victims, China’s Central TV reported, citing the National Health Committee, that the number of virus deaths rose by 46 on Friday, to 259 in total. The country registered 2,102 new cases Friday, bringing the total number of people infected with the virus to 11,791. The Health Committee in the province of Hubei, the epicenter of t...

X-rays reveal ... this is how the lungs of the "Corona" patient

The new Corona virus has been linked in the minds with a "killer" disease that has claimed the lives of more than 250 people in China, but the reality of what the virus does in human lungs is still unknown to many. Lung x-ray images of a 33-year-old sick woman showed the effect of the virus, which had spread from central China's Wuhan city, and caused great global panic after spreading to more than 20 countries. The woman lives in Wuhan, but has traveled to Lanzhou, west of the recently affected city, and there symptoms of the disease are emerging. The woman felt a slight fever after 5 days of coughing, which led her to visit a hospital in Lanzhou, and her time was 38.8 degrees, according to the Business Insider website. In the hospital, doctors informed her of the new virus, guided by a severe shortage of white blood cells, which is a symptom of the infection. First white rays appear on the lower corners of the lungs, which doctors call "tinted gri...

Is Corona virus transmitted through food or touch

  The spread of a new strain of the Coronavirus has caused great panic worldwide, after the disease has killed 106 people in China alone so far. With the spread of many false facts about the way it is transmitted, the scientists said that the Corona virus does not spread through contact with hands, or through eating foods, but rather it spreads directly from an infected person to another through drops in the air caused by sneezing or coughing, according to a website "24 of the Emirates." According to the World Health Organization, the virus is not likely to stick to any surface such as door handles or bus and train rails, but it is recommended that you wash your hands frequently as a precaution. A study published in the Journal of Medical Virology also mentioned that two types of snakes, namely Chinese karate and Chinese cobra, may have been the original source of the virus, however these are only speculations based on the DNA analysis of the virus samples and the ...

Apple is considering moving the hardware industry from China

تتواصل الحرب التجارية بين كل من أمريكا و الصين، و كانت الإدارة الأمريكية قد فرضت عقوبات قاسية على شركة التكنولوجيا الصينية هواوي، ما تسبب لها في خسائر كارثية، و يبدو أن آبل إحدى أهم الشركات الأمريكية المعتمدة على الصين تتوقع انتقاما صينيا، و هو ما جعلها تفمكر في ترحيل أنشطتها من البلد. و كانت الصحيفة الاقتصادية اليابانية الشهيرة "Nikkei" قد أشارت إلى أن شركة آبل تبحث فعليا عن ترحيل عدد من أنشطتها الصناعية من الصين إلى دول أخرى في آسيا ك فيتنام و أندونيسيا و ماليزيا و الهند المجاورة، حيث تعتمد آبل على شركات المناولة في الصين لصناعة أجهزتها المختلفة على غرار الآيفون و الآيباد و الماك و غيرها. و حسب Nikkei فإن آبل سألت مورديعها في الصين عن تكلفة ترحيل ما بين 15 و 30 في المئة من مجمل أنشطتها الصناعية إلى البلدان الآسيوية المذكورة، حيث تتعامل آبل مع عشرات شركات المناولة التي تمتلك مصانع في الصين و على رأسها Foxconn و Pegatron  و Quanta Computer و غيرهم. و في حالة ترحيل آبل لجزء من أنشطتها في الصين فذلك يعني فعليا أن الآف العمال الصينيين قد يجدون أنفسهم في...

أمريكا تحطم هدف هواوي الذي وضعته للتنفيذ قبل نهاية السنة الجارية

من المعلوم أن شركة هواوي هي واحدة من الشركات الثلاث الكبار على مستوى العالم فيما يتعلق بصناعة و تسويق الهواتف الذكية إلى جانب كل من آبل و سامسونغ، إلا ن العقوبات الأمريكية حطمت الهدف الذي وضعته الشركة الصينية لتنفيذه قبل نهاية العام الجاري. و كانت شركة هواوي قد وضعت هدفا يتعلق بأن تتجاوز شركة سامسونغ الكورية الجنوبية لتصبح بذلك الشركة الأولى على مستوى تسويق الهواتف الذكية عالميا قبل نهاية العام الجاري 2019. إلا أن العقوبات الأمريكية و التي حظرت بيع هواتف شركة هواوي على الأراضي الأمريكية بالإضافة إلى منعها من استخدام نظام أندرويد و التعامل مع الشركات الأمريكية كفيسبوك و جوجل تسبب في إجهاض هذا الهدف.