With this video: Netflix responds to what the hackers did with their Twitter account

In the past hours, the global network "Netflix" was exposed to the official account of the company in the Middle East and North Africa was hacked on the social networking site "Twitter", but the company was able to restore the account again.

Hacker message to the public:

The hacker used a message through the official account of the World Wide Web, tweeting: “Feed Yvnvvl has been hacked,” then tweeted another tweet: “Give us tender recommendations for movies we carry torrent.”
 With this video: Netflix responds to what the hackers did with her Twitter account alqiyady 1 With this video: Netflix responds to what the hackers did with her Twitter account
What did the hackers do with Netflix?

The hacker changed the profile picture of the company's Twitter account, as well as wrote in the personal information "Parental Account".
 With this video: Netflix responds to what the hackers did with her Twitter account alqiyady 1 With this video: Netflix responds to what the hackers did with her Twitter account
 Duration of the Netflix hack:
The hacking of the Netflix account lasted for approximately 5 hours, during which the hacker managed to post tweets without stopping, in addition to responding to followers and re-posting their tweets without reply during this period of the company.
Account recovery in this way:

The World Wide Web published a post, after the account was restored, through a video clip of the nails movie, tweeting: "We apologize for the previous tweets, we returned the account and the actor is being held accountable", using the hashtag of the nails movie.
 Delete the contents of the Netflix hijacker:

Once the global company recovered its own account in the Middle East, it scanned the tweets, which were posted by the hacker for the duration of the hack.
Hacked accounts of famous institutions:

This is not the first time that the accounts of major and famous institutions and companies have been hacked on Twitter. In the past months, more than one account, the most famous of which was the Barcelona Sports Club account, was hacked.


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