Google announces the infection of its second employee with the Corona virus

The American company, Google, has announced that one of its employees has been infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid 19), at its headquarters in Bangalore, India.
According to the CNBC website, the employee was taken to a quarantine, and the American company asked its employees to work from home.

"We regret to inform you that we have a confirmed case of coronavirus infection," said Anand Rangarajan, director of engineering and director of Bangalore headquarters for Google.
He added: "The employee was infected with the virus after traveling abroad, on Monday, March 9, and he did not show any symptoms and passed the temperature check. After a few hours, the employee felt unwell and decided to return to the house, and he was later examined in a government hospital, and placed in the government quarantine. , Confirming that he was infected with Corona. "

Rangarajan has asked all employees to work from home while they are doing more sterilization.
It is worth noting that this is the second case in which a Google employee in Corona is infected, as at the end of February, Google announced that a staff member based in Zurich had been infected.


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